The following is a promotional email sent by CFACT:
The Big Green movement is in a panic over the election of Donald Trump, and the way his victory has emboldened scientists and researchers to speak out and bring forward the real facts on “climate change.”
What better place for Team Warming to regroup and push back than Hollywood?
This year’s Sundance Film Festival is “all in” on climate. The premiere of An Inconvenient Sequel, Al Gore’s follow-up to his 2006 An Inconvenient Truth, is slated to kick off the festival that starts tomorrow in Utah.
It will be accompanied by a bevy of other climate propaganda films designed to help the warming campaign get its mojo back.
Gore’s first film was riddled with junk science.
CFACT’s Marc Morano notes that after viewing An Inconvenient Truth, Dr. Robert Giegengack, a leading Ivy League geologist who voted for Gore said, “I was appalled. I was appalled because he…either deliberately misrepresented the point he was making or didn’t understand it. So it was irresponsible.”
We believe Gore won’t be able to resist taking liberties with the truth again.
Sundance will be screening no less than 13 other climate and Green documentaries to accompany Gore’s. This is a full court press for Green propaganda!
Among these movie “gems” are Chasing Coral, a film that places the blame for the “coral bleaching” of the Great Barrier Reef on your energy use. It makes this outrageous connection between global warming and bleaching despite the fact the reef is already recovering!
Is the world supposed to forget that coral is a vastly old life form that thrived when the Earth had CO2 concentrations many times higher than today’s?
Another documentary slated to premiere is called Rise, a movie that seeks to exploit Native Americans and indigenous peoples to advance the global warming narrative with what Sundance organizers call “indigenous liberation.” Do the folks who claim to speak for “settled science” truly believe they can buffalo us by conflating primitive mysticism with climate science?
And amazingly, Sundance will also include Hot Winter, a global warming porno film! They claim they’ve censored the sex and just left in the climate talk. Can you imagine the team of scientific geniuses who peer-reviewed this priceless flick?
Of course there are others. This Sundance climate propaganda-fest needs to be exposed and debunked.
CFACT’s own groundbreaking documentary film Climate Hustle exposes the warming con game like nothing has before. Marc Morano, the host of CFACT’s documentary, is eager to take our team’s reports from Sundance and further expose the Hollywood climate hustle for all to see — but it all depends on you!
Al Gore has pushed his climate propaganda far enough ‚Äì it’s time to push back with the facts!
Help CFACT infiltrate the Sundance film festival and publicly expose its Left-wing scaremongering.
Thank you.
For nature and people too,
Craig Rucker
Executive Director