We should have expected already that nonsense from the leading climate doomsayer Al Gore would return sometime soon. That time has come and Mr. Gore is back to his old tricks again…
On October 7, he warned us that the globe was “running out of time” to stop global warming from causing a catastrophe in a statement published after the United Nations released their IPCC climate report Sunday evening.
The IPCC released their report about keeping global warming policies in accordance with the Paris accord, which President Trump thankfully got us out of two summers ago.
Gore’s message is expected to be restated at the UN Climate Summit in December, which is meant to send a “dire” warning to the people of the world about a future “climate catastrophe.”
The IPCC wants to keep “global warming” from causing a 1.5-degree-Celsius rise in global temperatures by 2100 and that emissions need to peak around 2020, fall 45% below the 2010 levels by 2030, and decrease 100% by 2050.
In other words, the IPCC wants to destroy the energy industry and discontinue coal and other energy sources in replacement for solar and wind power.
However, the IPCC used a little common sense for once and stated that the transition of energy sources from one to the other would cost billions of dollars with a carbon tax of $27,000 per ton by 2100.
And unfortunately, we know what happens when we use wind power… It kills animals.
However, this is where the wheels fall off the wagon. Had the IPCC used a little more common sense, they would understand that (according to months and months of research) global temperatures have only risen approximately 0.3 degrees Celsius since 1880, the 1930s and 1940s were just as warm as the past two decades globally, and that there is 100% natural variability in the climate system on multi-decadal and multi-century timescales.
In fact, in the IPCC‘s first climate report, in 1990, they showed us a graph of proxy data (instrumental 1880-1990) for global temperatures dating back over 1,000 years.
They show that the “Medieval Warm Period” was global AND that it was warmer than today!
So, this tells me that they are lying about a 1.5-degree rise by 2100 and that they just pulled this out of thin air.
I contacted meteorologist Dr. Roy Spencer from UAH and asked him if he could send me the dataset for the temperatures over the past 2,000 years.
He kindly responded and sent me the link to make the graph below. And according to the data, global temperatures have been falling for the past 2,000 years and there have been warmer times with less CO2.
And if we look at one of the many geological records showing temperature vs. CO2 dating back 600 million years, there is NO linkage between CO2 and temperature.
The IPCC would also benefit from looking at the emission data from the EPA. While fossil fuel emissions have to no surprise increased over the past 28+ years, the global temperatures have been relatively steady since 1998.
This once again is proof, that CO2 is NOT the climate control knob!
Gore has repeatedly attacked President Trump and the administration saying that they are ‘stooges of the fossil fuel industry’ and that he should resign because he is “unwilling” to fight the [fake] global warming crisis.
Climate prophets like Al Gore literally have no clue what they’re talking about. He is not a scientist and does not have any scientific background.
I quite frankly don’t know why people continue to listen to Mr. Gore anymore, considering he has made numerous failed climate change predictions, like this one about Arctic sea ice melt from 2009:
“Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by the summer of 2014,” USA Today
quotes. “New computer modeling suggests the Arctic Ocean may be nearly ice-free in summer as early as 2014, Al Gore said today at the U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen.”
However, if we look at the actual data from NOAA, there has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent for ten years and volume is actually at its highest amount in ten years, according to DMI.
It is important that we educate the younger generation about the corruption of climate science.
School teachers also need to be informed about this so they don’t mistakenly brainwash their students into panic mode about something that isn’t even an issue! It is also important that we do our best to put this nonsense to bed and stop the gibberish.
Healthy debate is what keeps science thriving and I am open to everyone’s ideas, but there is a point where things get so ridiculous, that a pre-schooler can point them out.
There is a lot of uncertainties about climate and why it changes due to natural reasons, but the hysteria of climate science, the peer pressure of climate science, the politicization of science, and the “sausage making” going into climate science is disgusting and needs to be stopped as soon as possible…
“Al Gore: ‘We’re Running Out Of Time’ On Global Warming.” The Daily Caller, The Daily Caller, dailycaller.com/2018/10/08/al-gore-global-warming-un/.
“Climate Change Indicators: Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 17 Dec. 2016, http://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/climate-change-indicators-global-greenhouse-gas-emissions.
Enloe. “Sea Ice and Snow Cover Extent.” National Climatic Data Center, http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/snow-and-ice/extent/.
“Hansen Confirmed The MWP In 1981.” The Deplorable Climate Science Blog, realclimatescience.com/hansen-confirmed-the-mwp-in-1981/.
“Index of /Arctic/Icethickness/Anim/plots_uk.” Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut, ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/icethickness/anim/plots_uk/.
IPCC. “#IPCC Working Group Co-Chair @Valmasdel: Net Zero Emissions of CO2 Must Reach Zero by 2050. That Is the Most Important Finding of the Report. We Are at a Crossroads. What Happens between Now and 2030 Is Critical. #SR15 #Climatechange Pic.twitter.com/y8GGBJRRqG.” Twitter, Twitter, 8 Oct. 2018, https://twitter.com/IPCC_CH/status/1049113197523828737.
“The Atmosphere.” The ClimateGuy, 9 Oct. 2018, iceage2050.com/the-atmosphere/.
“Windfarms Kill 10-20 Times More than Previously Thought.” Save the Eagles International, savetheeaglesinternational.org/new/us-windfarms-kill-10-20-times-more-than-previously-thought.html.
CCD Editor’s Note: The ClimateGuy is a new writer for Climate Change Dispatch so look for future articles by him.
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By this point, anybody anywhere who hitches his wagon to Al Gore (the moronic horse), is a demonstrated idiot whom even the most vapid global warmers know to keep their distance from him.
Al Gore is a Con Man a snake oil salesman selling his fake elixer(Global Warming/Cimate Change)to those gullible enough to beleive is line of malarkey and read his stupid poem