Former Vice President Al Gore attacked President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris accord Monday, calling global warming “the most serious challenge we face.”
“We’ve never had a president who’s deliberately made decisions the effect of which is to tear down America’s standing in the world, starting with his withdrawal from the Paris Agreement,” Gore said on NBC Monday morning.
“The climate crisis is by far the most serious challenge we face,” Gore said.
However, a Bloomberg poll found that only one in 10 Americans agree with this statement.
In fact, more than three times as many Americans say health care reform is the most important issue facing the U.S. today, according to the poll. All told, 90 percent of Americans identified other issues they felt should be top priorities, like terrorism, jobs, and taxes.
Gore has been working nearly full-time to raise the alarm over man-made global warming for more than a decade, and has even come out with a sequel to his 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth.”
Gore has spent recent weeks promoting his new film and criticizing Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, which the Obama administration joined in 2016. Gore even compared the fight against global warming to the abolition of slavery.
“The climate movement, not least in cities, is right now in the tradition of all the great moral causes that have improved the circumstances of humanity throughout our history,” Gore said in a speech. “The abolition of slavery. Women’s suffrage and women’s rights. The civil rights movement and the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa.”
Gore even suggested that God wants Christians to fight against global warming, saying that “God intends for us to take responsibility for how we treat God’s creation.”
Read more at Daily Caller
Gore is looking more and more like a liability to the Warmists. Exaggeration begets skepticism. The sky is not falling.
The ONLY reason Al Gore has been able to prop up this fraud for so long is the steadfast support of adoring left-stream media who simply genuflect before their political idol. Without the constant daily barrage of recycled garbage from the media and Hollywood leftists, Americans would quickly apply reason to the whole notion and leave this publicly mega-funded political scam at the curb.
Gore should worry about his own destroyed credibility . What an ass .
This guy has never been able to read the broader public ,spewing the same scary global warming hype with variations in negative association .
The typical juvenile crap that got Hillary punted . It’s the only play book they have left and 90% have heard enough crap from people like Gore and the miniature French poodle .
for those non believers about climate change apparently they never went out their door.
and as in my view, they are not deniers..but outright liars.
and it did not take me my 87 years to come to that conclusion
and why do they deny?
makes no sense. but for some, it has to hit home and believe me, it will.
I’m a farmer. 62 years old. Weather is the biggest variable for my business , I have no choice but to take what I get. If I thought CO2 was my enemy, I’d say so. I know who the liars are and their followers are the fools.
…the long term change in climate is.
Compare your growing season, on average, today to the Average Growing season a century ago.
I called my cousins, as well as 7 major universities in the North Tier of states…..
The 1st Hard Frost in the Fall is nearly a MONTH LATER than a century ago.
The LAST Hard Frost in the Spring is nearly 3 weeks earlier.
That is a significant increase in growing season for the USA…and can only occur with Warming temperatures.
Source: AAAS
“The Legitimate Scientific Community issued a detailed Research Report & Warning about the
increased dumping of TOXIC trace gases into the atmosphere, with detailed projections to 2015.
to President Johnson in 1965.
Source: AAAS
Warning !
When entire forests & Fields were browning & dying around the world, the Mainstream scientific community Detailed INDUSTRIAL TOXIC waste Gasses & Chemicals
were being MASSIVELY Dumped into our Atmosphere for centuries.
How could anyone believe that Dumping huge quantities of TOXIC gases into our atmosphere for centuries
**** An ARCH “conservative” Republican President worked with MAINSTREAM science,
Ignored the OBJECTIONS OF SKEPTICS and DENIERS claiming the evidence was fudged.
He took quick precise action cutting TOXIC waste Gas & Chemical dumping into our atmosphere.
Those forests have been saved or replanted.
That Ultra Conservative President took action over the noisy objections of the very small Skeptical/Denier
segment of The Scientific Community Paid-by-those-offending-industries !
…charging that the President was engaged in a Socialist Power Grab !
…doing the bidding of UN 1-World-Government-Conspiracy !
…Scientists were trying to get rich by manufacturing disasters !
Epidemics of Skin Cancers around the world,
examined by the Mainstream Scientific Community,
& found Industrial / Commercial ‘TOXIC’ waste Gases & Chemicals were being
MASSIVELY Dumped for centuries into our atmosphere.
*** Another Conservative Republican President
took quick efficient action. ..again over the well financed objections of SKEPTICS and DENIERS
claiming the science was fraudulent, some kind of UN plot to change America into a Marxist world state..
4 Months ago, we learned that the ZONE HOLE & Ozone Depletion has shrunk by 20%+ !
(proving those TOXIC gases caused the world wide threat)
How could anyone believe that DUMPING huge quantities of TOXIC gases into our atmosphere for centuries
CO2 & other TOXIC wastes have been dumped into the atmosphere
quantities than the TOXIC Gases & Chemicals which we have already LEARNED
damaged OUR atmosphere, farms and forests, & OUR climate.
The Threat is Apparent
1989 it snowed here the 4th of May. This year, it snowed on May 7th. But that just weather, isn’t it? I’m not betting on the length of the growing season, but if it’s longer, better for farmers. In Brazil, where it is stinking hot, they Farm all year long, like California . Rakooi, that is a very,very,very good deal.
With so much rambling I would have thought you would address the topic of the article, that 90% of Americans do not agree that climate change is our most serious problem. This is certainly true. In poll after poll climate change is at the bottom of Americans concerns, in some polls it is so low it doesn’t even get mentioned.
You seem to think that anyone who hasn’t bought into climate change fraud doesn’t think that the earth getting warmer. It certainly is. It has been naturally getting warmer since the end of the mini ice age. What clearly is not happening is the earth isn’t following the path of the IPCC models which predict disastrous warming. Longer growing seasons is a good thing.
There are toxic gasses such as oxides of sulfur. The United States has done a pretty good job of reducing these. On the other hand, carbon dioxide is not a toxic gas except in extreme concentrations. Green houses and even some aquarium owners pump in extra carbon dioxide to enhance growth.
You talk about the great deal of carbon dioxide that has been released by mankind. To put this in perspective, it is estimated by geophysicists that only three volcanic eruptions, Indonesia (1883), Alaska (1912) and Iceland (1947), spewed more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than all of human activities in our entire history.
You often assert the age of the climate (warming) change theory as being quite old. The does not enhance, but rather detracts from its legitimacy. If climate change is an old theory, let’s consider theories that are its peer group.
* The continents have been in their present location through out history and never moved.
* The dinosaurs were dumb cold blooded beasts.
* With the exception of Mt. Lassen, all volcanoes in the western United States were extinct and would never erupt again. This theory included Mt. St. Helens.
* Now we add man made climate change. It is no more valid than the other theories in its peer group. It is the politics that keep it going.
I need to point out that some old theories still hold up, such as Newton’s theories of physics if one only considers ordinary speeds and sizes.
Stop lying.
You fool!
All I need to do is step outside too. Progressively colder and wetter summers. Long winters. Fall arrives early and spring arrives late. Rainy, rainy, rainy, and extremely cool again this summer.
Ruth, if you’re 87 you should remember the summer of ’36. Why didn’t we all perish, and why wasn’t it called man-made global warming then? Here’s the answer… People were too busy with their lives and not so self-absorbed as to be sucked in by a scam like this. There WERE still snake oil salesmen making the rounds then, and most people saw them for what they were. Al Gore would make P.T. Barnum blush.
Ruth, science does not rely on “believers”. It never has, and never will. Science stands for itself via sound methodology, verifiable and repeatable results, embracing constant debate and challenge. Believing is of faith and religion… not science.
Accepting the current climate meme requires you to believe that we constantly exhale a pollutant rather than a natural and variable component of our atmosphere. Think about that.
Weather (and climates) change. You should be used to that by now. This is going to hurt Ruth, but grow up.
There’s no fool like an old fool. You just can’t beat experience.
Science has nothing to do with believe. But with repeatable, peer review facts.
And the climate has never been constant, it changes always, daily, monthly, with the seasons, solar output, tilt of the earths axis….
If you believe that the meek shall inherit the Earth and that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, Al Gore is talking to YOU!
Gore is a snake oil salesman and con-man selling his phonie elixer(Global Warming)to the gullible like those who read his fake books(Earth in the Balance,Assualt on Reason)watched his junk science fake documentry(A Inconvent truth)and listened to his idiotic poem