Tomorrow is Earth Day, an opportunity for well-intentioned environmentalists to preach the gospel of man-made global warming.
People are free to believe as they wish. The problem with the green movement is that it seeks to marginalize anyone who may have a different view.
Those of us who are unconvinced of their teachings are branded as “Climate Change Deniers.” And as outlandish as this is going to sound, there are those who want to criminalize our opinion.
As this column reported last year, those who disagree with the Obama administration’s view on climate change were in danger of being targeted under RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization) laws, which were designed to fight the Mafia. “In fact, Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently confirmed that she had asked the FBI to determine if climate change ‘deniers’ should be taken to court on racketeering charges.”
As far as I know, Ms. Lynch didn’t make good on her treat. But it was frightening that the nation’s highest-ranking law enforcement officer spoke openly of criminalizing an unapproved opinion on a political issue.
Where was the American Civil Liberties Union and others who claim to support free speech?
And evoking memories of McCarthyism, Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona, the ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources, once demanded information on the financial records of certain professors who were skeptical of climate change.
“Let’s pause a moment to reflect on what this means,” Kim Holmes of the Heritage Foundation wrote at the time. “A government official demands the private records of an American citizen solely on the basis of where that person stands on a political issue. The professor has committed no crime, but merely holds a scientific view opposed, for political reasons, by a congressman.”
As I wrote then, “It may not be 1984, but it’s beginning to feel like it.”
Such intolerance of an opposing view might be somewhat more understandable if these climate scientists were always right. But that’s far from the case.
Two years ago during the week of Earth Day I wrote the following: “Here’s what one noted ecologist told us 45 years ago: ‘The world has been chilling sharply for about 20 years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.’ “And Life magazine reported, ‘by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half.’ “Now we’re told to forget all the debunked predictions of the past and to have faith in all the new predictions: Because now we’ve got it right. Really. Trust us. And any scientist who disagrees with our view of global warming is an academic pariah who is not to be listened to.”
And let’s not forget the Hollywood celebrities who want ordinary Americans to cut back on our air conditioning and shorten our showers while they ride around in jets and limousines.
Did anyone celebrate Earthday by driving their car a short distence throwing their bicycle into the dumpster fire up a grill and BBQ a few dozen burgers of hot dogs and call for the hanging of Einhorn the murderer residing in prison who founded Earthday
Earthday was founded by a convicted murderer named EINHORN the UNICORN KILLER murdred his girl freind hid her body away in a barrel or something like that and fled to france where he was protested fora few years until he was returned and convited for his crimes
I plan on celebrating Earth day with a HUGE brush fire, including anything that’ll keep the green wood burning. I’ve been saving up for awhile.
Some school text books push this Global Warming/Climate Change poppycock like its true when the whole thing isa big fat lie just about the entire enviromental movments consists of lies Cason lied and DDT in her book SILENT SPRING and Gore is stark raving crazy since he has written a book ASSUALT ON REASON when in fact he assualts reason with his crack-pot ideas even before he was slick willies veep
These ex-hippies and entitled snowflakes understand even less about the Constitution and the First Amendment than they do about the environment and science.
They are accommodated on campus as protected species themselves with safe spaces, and P.C. trigger warnings, all while they deny any speech content that simply makes them “uncomfortable”.
Likewise, they are willing to accept the most convoluted, far-fetched, ever-changing, and fraud-ridden man-made climate change models AND their associated social schemes at full face value, while claiming that “their” science should not be questioned, doubted, or put to the test.
Essentially, “their” superior emotional ideology trumps scientific methodology and Constitutional free speech.