Legal Insurrection readers may recall that relatively early on in the covid pandemic cycle, leading infectious disease experts created the Great Barrington Declaration.
The formal declaration stressed that lockdowns were destructive and “focused protection” of vulnerable individuals was the way to properly address the highly infectious, novel virus. [bold, links added]
Over 4,000 scientists, including a good number of epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists, signed the document.
It turns out these scientists were correct.
The effects of lockdown may now be killing more people than are dying of Covid, official statistics suggest.
Figures for excess deaths from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that around 1,000 more people than usual are currently dying each week from conditions other than the virus.
The Telegraph understands that the Department of Health has ordered an investigation into the figures amid concern that the deaths are linked to delays to and deferment of treatment for conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Perhaps it is time to consider if the World Climate Declaration, which has been signed by 1,200 climate scientists and related professionals, might be something to seriously consider, promote, and act on.
In the document, these scientists affirm that there is “no climate emergency.”
The political fiction that humans cause most or all climate change and the claim that the science behind this notion is ‘settled’, has been dealt a savage blow by the publication of a ‘World Climate Declaration (WCD)’ signed by over 1,100 scientists and professionals. There is no climate emergency, say the authors, who are drawn from across the world and led by the Norwegian physics Nobel Prize laureate Professor Ivar Giaever. Climate science is said to have degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science.
The scale of the opposition to modern day ‘settled’ climate science is remarkable, given how difficult it is in academia to raise grants for any climate research that departs from the political orthodoxy. (A full list of the signatories is available here.) Another lead author of the declaration, Professor Richard Lindzen, has called the current climate narrative “absurd”, but acknowledged that trillions of dollars and the relentless propaganda from grant-dependent academics and agenda-driven journalists currently says it is not absurd.
Particular ire in the WCD is reserved for climate models. To believe in the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in. Climate models are now central to today’s climate discussion and the scientists see this as a problem. “We should free ourselves from the naïve belief in immature climate models,” says the WCD. “In future, climate research must give significantly more emphasis to empirical science.”
The declaration is being promoted by the CLINTEL Group, which plans to give “solicited and unsolicited” advice on climate change and energy transition to governments and companies worldwide.
I am thinking that most of the advice they will give will be unsolicited. Here is hoping that policymakers, teachers, and everyone else listen to the group’s many points:
- Natural causes contribute to climatic changes.
- Warming has been slower than predicted.
- Climate policy is based on inadequate models.
- Carbon dioxide is plant food and the basis for life on Earth.
- Global warming has not increased natural disasters.
Perhaps the last point the CLINTEL Group makes is the most critical: Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities.
There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt.
The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society, men and women are well educated, birthrates are low, and people care about their environment.
For those of you with a background in the climate sciences, and who would like to sign, the information to do so is HERE.
If “Green New Deal” policies are allowed to continue, they will be even more destructive to this nation and the world than the Covid policies have been.
Read more at Legal Insurrection
Agreed, but I think the biggest single reduction from
all this is :
The blinding exposure of how
incredibly stupid
nearly all people are.
There are extremely few people
who can think clearly and logically.
Please consider an all-important premise of global climate on earth is that it is the oceans which drive the climate, not the atmosphere. Without acceptance of this fundamental fact, there can be no true understanding about what is happening on the surface of our planet.
The rabid scare-mongering about the “climate crisis” has led me to react to any mention of “scientists” in public media with scorn and suspicion. This is really unfortunate because I count myself among them and I embrace science as the absolute pursuit of truth, even while knowing that absolute truth about just about anything is almost impossible to secure. It is our striving toward that perfect state of knowledge which makes the endeavor worthwhile and rewarding. To have uneducated authorities and their faithful followers buy in to the global warming scare is hugely disappointing as it draws our common understanding of the world away, rather than toward, the truth. This is what a religion does and I can only hope that the global warming organized faith eventually suffers the same fate as most other unsupportable ideologies.
The truth you wont ever find on the front pages of the NYT,s or from CNN and See B.S. Sunday Morning fake news shows
I trust what the experts say not what Greenpeace and Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio says this whole Global Warming/Climate Change is a Lie
It will be extremely difficult for this very reasonable reality to break the mammoth stronghold of “Climate Change.’ The elites (in their eyes) have such a stronghold on the MSM that millions believe everything they read and hear from these complicit fakes. Of course it is all patiently obvious this is to bring about one world government, the Great Rest whatever they are currently calling the process. Any reasonable observer can see and know that most weather patterns are cyclic, the sun having enormous influence on those patterns, I have often been puzzled at the ignorance of “scientists” in many matters that scarcely ever get much mention. Thigs like volcanic activity, on land and in the oceans are but one. It is always the rubbishy mantra of CO2 being the evil monster, have they forgotten we are carbon based? Plus they absurd notions on the world’s oceans, with mad theories popping up regularly. They forget water vapour is a real climate influencer. The list goes on and on…..
Dave, one of the worst parts of this climate scam is how fields of science far removed from “climate change” have glommed onto it to get grants to “study” absurd relationships between whatever their field is and the so-called “climate change”.
“It is always the rubbishy mantra of CO2 being the evil monster…”
It seems of late, methane is the target for ‘serious’ reduction, with little or no mention of carbon dioxide compared to the past 50 years. The Netherlands, Ireland, New Zealand.