On Wednesday night, Tucker Carlson grilled climate activist Joe Romm about Bill Nye’s comments that older scientists needed to “die out” so climate science could progress.
Romm runs the progressive website Think Progress, which is funded by the Center for American Progress.
During the roughly 10-minute exchange, Romm trotted out numerous straw man arguments to bolster his case that climate change was real and the rest of us were stupid for not believing him.
Throughout the interview, he peppered Carlson with questions like, “Don’t you believe in science”, at one point accusing the host of engaging in Big Tobacco tactics.
When forced by Carlson to tell him why it’s anti-scientific to question climate science conclusions, Romm then compared global warming skeptics to people who are still skeptical of the link between cancer and cigarettes.
Things went downhill from there—watch the clip and see.
Tucker has not yet armed himself with basic climate facts. He is constrained to argue only about scientific method, which may be helpful but leaves too much undiscussed.
Charles … oh for goodness sake there you go throwing cold water on
the climate fear con by citing facts . The most amazing thing is how did non scientists like Gore ever sell the climate caper in the first place ? Dangerously low CO2 levels have a much higher fear factor don’t you think ?
I’m with you, we should be celebrating the fact we are in a warm period . When it turns as it always does we will have something real to fret about .
Why isn’t every scientific organization on earth communicating the straight forward facts you lay out ? Money ?
About 550,000,000 years ago CO2 was 7,000 ppm and has wound it‘s way
down to where it is today, near it’s historic low (Berner, R.A. and Z.
Kothavala, 2001. GEOCARB III: A Revised Model of Atmospheric CO2 over
Phanerozoic Time, American Journal of Science, v.301, pp.182-204, February 2001.) Below 100 ppm photosynthesis ceases. We are very close to the tipping point of Earth turning into a lifeless snowball with too little CO2 for plants to reproduce. On the other hand, plants thrive in nurseries kept at CO2 concentrations of 1,000 ppm. Thanks to recent CO2 increases, vegetation has increased 11% in arid areas of the world.
The 0.4C rise in temperature since the Industrial Revolution (IR) pales in comparison to the 1.6C increase of the Medieval Warming Period (WP), the 2.5C increase of the Roman WP, and the 3.2C increase of the Minoan WP using the IR as a baseline. The average temperature has been declining for the last 6,000 years. (Alley, R.B. 2000, The Younger Dryas cold interval as viewed from central Greenland, Quaternary Science Reviews, 19:213-226.) We are at the very end of the present 10,500 year old Interglacial WP. After this comes about 90,000 years of snow, ice, advancing glaciers and incredible loss of life. Enjoy the warmth while you can.
According to ice core records, the CO2 increases occur about 800 years AFTER the temperature increases. That is, CO2 doesn’t cause rising temperatures, rising water temperatures cause CO2 to gas out of solution from the world’s oceans into the atmosphere. CO2 is not a driver of climate. CO2 is a passenger.
The 97% consensus myth – busted by a real survey
The claim by climate wackos that 97% of the scienists agree that there is Global Warming and its happening right now is a BIG FAT LIE
Tucker is Awesome! Giddy Up!!!
Yeah, but most of the time, those that finalize the report aren’t scientists and they misstate what the scientists have said. That’s why they ask to have their names removed from them. The scientists don’t agree with the IPCC; they don’t all agree about CAGW.
I read his book. The book is devoid of anything scientific. He never explains how co2 is heat trapping but instead claims its a consensus among scientists but never gives a reference where he got that from. The only thing I think he does know about is hydrogen fuel cells and how their is no hope for the future for it. He wrote quite abit about it.
What I find mind boggling is how green energy fantasy people claim electric cars are better and then never explain how a nation that switches to green energy can support electric cars?
Just love Tucker Carlson . One of the very few top media people who
ask good questions and aren’t afraid to call out people like Romm , Nye & Gore .
One thing is certain 30,000 scientists who don’t buy the extreme
green earth has a fever crap are going to out live propeller neck that is for sure .
When you agenda’s only way forward rests on your longing for the future death of opponents in the thousands you have lost .
Stick with comedy or find some thing new to sell .
Batshite crazy doesn’t begin to describe Nye & Romm. They will do and say anything to prop up the climate change scam.
Bill Nye is a maniac a fanatic and a radical or lets just refer to him as the Mad Scientists often seen in cartoon shows and movies and Joe Romm is nuttier then a whole warehouse full of christmas fruitcakes Tucker Carlson is just taking these two to task for their radical ideas