Former Vice President Al Gore was forced to admit on Sunday that the UN Paris climate accord was a symbolic effort and merely “sends a very powerful signal.”
Gore once again spun a series of climate falsehoods in just a few short sound bites.
Gore appeared on “Fox News Sunday” with host Chris Wallace on Sunday to lament President Donald Trump’s withdraw from the UN Paris Climate treaty. (Also see Science Wins! Trump stomps on climate religion, withdraws from UN pact & Climate Depot’s New ‘Talking Points’ Report – A-Z Debunking of Climate Claims)
WALLACE: “You would agree that even if all 195 nations, now 194, met their targets, it still wouldn’t solve the problem.”
GORE: “That is correct. However, it sends a very powerful signal to business and industry and civil society, and countries around the world.” (Full Fox News Transcript & Video)
Gore’s admission echoes scientists skeptical of global warming and many other critics of efforts to save the climate through government regulations.
University of Pennsylvania Geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack noted in 2014, “None of the strategies that have been offered by the U.S. government or by the EPA or by anybody else has the remotest chance of altering climate if in fact climate is controlled by carbon dioxide.”
Danish statistician Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, the President of the Copenhagen Consensus Center: “We will spend at least one hundred trillion dollars in order to reduce the temperature by the end of the century by a grand total of three-tenths of one degree…the equivalent of postponing warming by less than four years…Again, that is using the UN’s own climate prediction model.”
“But here is the biggest problem: These minuscule benefits do not come free — quite the contrary. The cost of the UN Paris climate pact is likely to run 1 to 2 trillion dollars every year.”
Lomborg Blasts UN Paris Treaty’s $100 Trillion Price Tag For No Temp Impact: ‘You won’t be able to measure it in 100 years’ – Bjorn Lomborg: The debate about the UN Paris Agreement is “about identity politics. It’s about feeling good… but the climate doesn’t care about how you feel.” – Bjorn Lomborg on UN climate deal: ‘This is likely to be among most expensive treaties in the history of the world’
Al Gore claim: “Greenland, for example, has been losing one cubic kilometer of ice every single day.”
Reality Check: 2017: Greenland Ice Mass Increases To Near Record – Arctic Ice Reaches Normal Range (May 24, 2017) – The vast majority area of Greenland has seen surface snow and ice gain over the past 9 months. Moreover, Arctic temperatures, for now, are below normal.
Winter snow and ice cover trend for the Northern Hemisphere has in fact been trending upwards since statistics started. And when one applies the 30-year weather mean used to define climate, the winter trend since 1987 is strongly upwards. So is the autumn trend. This 2017 winter was well above average, ranking in the top 10.
The vast majority area of Greenland has seen surface snow and ice gain over the past 9 months. Moreover, Arctic temperatures, for now, are below normal…The big development in recent Arctic news is the “recovery” of Arctic sea ice extent, which now is back in the normal range.
Analysis of Greenland temperatures finds they ‘were just as high in the 1930s & 40s as they have been in recent years’ – Recent Summer temps are lower – Summer ‘temperatures since 2000 for the main part are, if anything, lower than the 1930s and 40s’
Climatologists: ‘The death of the Greenland disaster story’ – ‘Taming the Greenland Melting Global warming Hype’ – Climatologists: ‘Humans just can’t make it warm enough up there to melt all that much ice’
Study finds ice isn’t being lost from Greenland’s interior – Published in journal Science
We have heard Greenland melt fears many times in the past.
Flashback 1939: Scientist warns of ‘catastrophic collapse’ of Greenland’s ice – ‘Greenland’s Glaciers Melting, Says Scientist’ – Harrisburg Sunday Courier – December 17, 1939 – Swedish Geologist Prof. Hans Ahlmann: “It may without exaggeration be said that the glaciers, like those in Norway, face the possibility of catastrophic collapse.”
Flashback 1947: Warming in Arctic, Antarctic & Greenland to cause sea level ‘rise in catastrophic proportions’– Flashback 1947: ‘Danger seen in mysterious warning of Arctic Climate’ – May 31, 1947 – Warwick Daily News – “A mysterious warming of the climate is slowly manifesting itself in the Arctic, and if the Antarctica ice regions and the major Greenland ice caps should reduce at the same rate as the present rate of melting should reduce at the same rate as the present rate of melting oceanic surfaces would rise in catastrophic proportions and people living in lowlands along the shores would be inundated, said Dr. Hans Ahlmann, noted Swedish geophysicist, in a speech at the University of California Geophysical Institute.
Scientific American 1904: Alpine And Greenland Glaciers Retreating ‘Very Considerably’
Read more at Climate Depot
Serially proven LIAR al gore needs to
calm down
get off he drugs
go to his massage parlor ( whore house )
and recuperate.
How ironic. The key goal of the climate change agenda is to destroy free market capitalism, based on the phony premise that CO2 is a pollutant that needs to be reduced.
Meanwhile, natural free market forces have led to more abundant and cleaner burning fuels that also reduced CO2 in America. Most importantly, no politician had their hand in our pockets to make this happen.
Despite many billions of taxpayer dollars spent by the left on climate change funding scams THEY cannot point to anything that has really improved the environment…
The Paris Pledge wasn’t a powerful signal it was a $3 billion dollar heist of USA tax payers for virtually zero climate effect. (as if we can control it anyways ) The UN is just going to have find it’s globalization ambitions with something else . The scary global warming campaign has run out of hot air .
Energy conservation and innovation will continue to improve as it should but not
because of some symbolic gesture . The global warming /climate not to change agenda
has undermined the scientific method for political and grant seeker benefit .
World wide access to reliable, affordable electricity will improve the environment and not destroy it as we are accustomed to being told .
No form of energy is completely risk free but burning cow dung and dried sticks
is almost as bad as an Arnie stogie .
Al Gore Leonardo DiCaprio,Luarie David,David Suzuki,John Travolta,Barack Obama and the rest of your global warming chicken littles going around crying THE EARTH IS WARMING,THE EARTH IS WARMING please all get marooned on his uncharted island in the pacific somewhere around Hawaii and bring back those seven stranded castaways lets see Gore and DiCaprio sharing hut
hey Algore, we’re sending you a very powerful signal right now. how many fingers are we holding up?
Always notice that the ones doing most of the yammering about Global Warming are the same ones who live in big homes without any solar pannels on their own private airports,leer and gulf stream jets their own private yachts that would make the Loveboat look like a Bathtub toy and big gas guzzling limos while they attend their award shows or champaign star studed fund raisers for their favorite demac-RAT cansdates
Given Gores 20 year track record of hyperbole it is surprising that some journalist / broadcaster has not already said to him you are know as a chronic pathological climate bull shitter with no academic scientific credentials at all . The planet doesn’t have a fever does it Mr Gore ? Hyping global warming while being driven around in massive SUV ‘s and living in a mansion is a transparent lack of credibility . But more importantly the mathematical models pointed to in justifying the climate scare have already proven to be wildly wrong and the underpinning math itself is now exposed to be full of errors . So much for settled science .
Climate changes as it will for over 6 billion years , thankfully it’s it’s warming currently but a trace gas favorable to plant growth from people exhaling and heating their homes and work places with fossil fuel is not the overblown catastrophe it is made out to be . Everyone knows it, so the real question is how are people that support
globalization going to fund their beliefs ?
It is about money and the false manufactured global warming catastrophe is the means to loosen tax payers wallets . UN officials admit that so there is no debate . But hey, if that’s your religion that by all means give generously if you wish . The rest of us aren’t buying it or paying for your beliefs .
Bingo, Amber! CNN won’t be offering you a job.
Spot-on! The FIRST questions asked of this lying huckster should be to call him out on his wild and published doomsday predictions. Do not pass GO.
If he were any other politician-turned-policy-opportunist the media would be all over this like a pit bull on raw steak. Instead the press still genuflects to this pathetic sack of dog excrement. Enough already.
One thing Mr Gore knows–there is far more money to be made partnering with the UN to swindle the world than attempting to swindle the USA alone. That Mr Gore, one in a million serial liar .
Hillary, Bill and Al, can’t help themselves. Look right into the camera and lie to the world. MSM is complicit. They don’t and won’t ask the questions that should be asked.
So is gore going to admit the Global Warming/Climate change is all a big scam will he return his unearned noble prize and oscar? I dont think so and neither will he return the ill-gotten cash from his fake documenties and his phonie books EARTH IN THE BALANCE and ASSUALT ON REASON